Homeschool Mom’s Night
Building up our House — October 24th, 2024
Have you thought about the condition of your home?
No, no, I don’t mean physically. I have dishes in my sink too!
But I mean all around — the mood, the atmosphere, the peace in your home… how is your home?
We’ve all heard quotes that blame us moms for a lot of the mood of our house. Sigh. I fail often beside those quotes. But did you realize the Bible talks about the impact women have in their home? We are impactful — good or bad, building up or tearing down.
Homeschool mama, does it seem too big of a responsibility some days? It does to me. Sure is tiring most days. You too? Could you use a night of refreshment?
We would like to pour into you, point you to Jesus- our helper, spoil you, fill you with yummy food, give you an evening with friends, giggles, and mostly encouragement. We want to encourage you to keep building your home. Get your ticket to attend today!
i’d love to invite you to
Homeschool Mom’s Night 2024
Join us for an evening of speakers, yummy food, vendors, laughter, and friends.
Let’s get together and talk about Building Up Your Home.

Speaker Line-Up
The Whens and Wheres:
On October 24th, 2024 Homeschool Mom’s Night will be held at Orrville Grace Brethren Church *note it is at a new venue this year*
Doors will open at 4:00 pm — Event starts at 4:50 pm
Event ends at 9:00 – Dinner & Dessert is provided
Cost to attend is $17 early bird — $22 after October 10th
Registration is open to any homeschool mom — past, present, or hope-to-be in the future.
Our Vendors for Homeschool Mom’s Night
Therefore encourage one another and build one other up, just as you are doing.
1 Thessalonians 5:11
Our Vision for Homeschool Mom’s Night
How it all began
The dream began one day when I went to a homeschool convention years ago. I walked into the event very tired, drained, and not sure that I could homeschool another day. I was immediately met with speaking sessions that pointed me to Jesus. The whole day, speaker after speaker, I was uplifted and encouraged. I left the event ready to go back to my calling to homeschool.
During that day a desire began to form inside me. A desire to give this sort of day to the ladies in my area. And this is what became of this dream. I Praise God for letting me be a part of something so amazing!
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