Moses — a man with a purpose

A ten week study on Moses, a man with a purpose.

Sister are you weary? 

Do you serve others all day long and then get up and do it on repeat again the next day?

Do you feel like you’ve been called to something more than just pouring out to serve the people around you?

Maybe even the people around you complain and grumble though you are doing your best to make them happy.

I know a man who could have asked the same questions: Moses.

How did he do it? How did he lead those people out of Egypt and through the wilderness for forty years? They complained and grumbled. They made life less than easy– yet Moses knew his life had a deeper purpose then the circumstances he was in. He served those people, not because they needed him but because he was serving God.

Friend, like Moses you were called for a specific purpose, are you living it? Do you know what the point behind all these daily tasks are? Do you have a deeper purpose that motivates you to keep going each day? I would love to invite you to study the life of Moses

want the details?

Moses, a man with a purpose— is a study written by Trudie. The study gives you four weeks of Scripture to dig into, verses to TAP, devotionals to read, and questions to help you journal and reflect on what you learned. The study is 140 pages.

The outline is as follows:
  • Week One: Born into bondage – Jesus had a plan. Moses’s Story was for God’s Glory
  • Week Two: The questions of Moses. The answers of God
  • Week Three: Beginning the to walk out his calling
  • Week Four: Life in Egypt
  • Week Five: Leaving Egypt/ Not a Happily ever after story
  • Week Six: First year in the dessert
  • Week Seven: Moses meeting God
  • Week Eight: Building the Tabernacle and moving on
  • Week Nine: Last tests and rebellion
  • Week Ten: Moses’s journey is finished

Companion Journal

Available in both digital or paperback form, you can order a copy in the shop or on Amazon.

Here is what you will get inside the Companion Journal:

  • Reading plan & space to journal your TAP
  • A short daily devotional written by the author
  • Thought-provoking questions to equip you apply the lessons to your own life
  • Ten weeks, five days a week, of study materials
  • 140 pages, black & white interior, 8×10 size

How do you want to study? Order a copy today.

To make it convenient for you we offer several ways and forms of the study. Our most popular format is a beautiful, soft cover book. You can order it in the shop or on Amazon.

The other option is a digital copy that you can print off at home. You can also use it on your favorite digital reader.

Meet the author — Trudie Schar

I’m Trudie; Worshiper of God, wife, mommy, homeschooler, and writer. Over 18 years ago or so, I married my high school sweetheart, Ethan.  We have 4 girls, whom I homeschool. As a family, we love camping, helping others, and trying new foods together.

I’m an introvert. INFJ fits me to the T. I feel most alive when I’m writing. At home surrounded by my favorite people, reading a book, and munching a piece of dark chocolate is one of my favorite places to be. 

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