An eight week study on being Rooted in Jesus.
Are you ready to grow in trust?
Growing in trust in the one who sustains us despite life’s distractions, discouragements, and sorrows. This study started out as a pursuit of my own personal questions like:
•Where is Jesus in my struggles?
•Why do I keep messing up even though I have access to Jesus’s strength?
•How do I maintain that deep connection and intimacy with Jesus amidst the distractions and burdens of life?
I am thankful for all God has taught me and I pray this study can be an incredible blessing in your life as well!
want the details?
Rooted— Is a Bible Reading Plan and Companion Journal written by Darcy Shock.
Companion Journal
Available in digital form — you can order a copy in the shop.
Here is what you will get inside the In-depth Study:
Ready to study?
To make it convenient for you we offer a digital copy that you can print off at home. You can also use it on your favorite digital reader.