Showing 1–12 of 13 results

$5.00 – $30.00
Suffering. Confidence. Christ. Do those words really fit together?
We have all been through something hard. Some of us it is a public thing, everyone knows and can pray for us. Some of us, it is a private struggle. A battle of the mind. YET we have all gone thru it.
So what does Confidence in Christ, during a season of suffering, look like?
Honestly. I don’t know if I can pick out just one answer.
I asked some sweet friends, all who have gone through hard things. This gave me pages and pages of verses. WOW! God has a lot written in His Word about suffering! So we are going to dig in! I hope and pray you will join us!

Rated 5.00 out of 5
$5.00 – $30.00
What is our duty to our Nation? Well for starters…prayers, respect, pay our taxes…more prayers. The Bible has a lot to say about what our duty is to our nation.
This is a study focused on the government leaders and our role towards them. As with anything, it may apply to other areas of life too.
We will read verses about God putting the leadership up, verses about praying for them, honoring them, and paying taxes. Lastly, we will read a story of an evil leader that heard good things about the Christians in his land. And that my friend is the goal, that the leader will see Christ living inside and among his people.
This is a really good, practical and simple study for children to do right along side you!

$5.00 – $30.00
Four week reading plan exploring the topic of God’s love for us
This purchase gives you access to download a one page pdf Reading Plan.

$5.00 – $30.00
James is typically remembered for the chapters that speak about the power of words and the tongue, but it is full of instructions on many different subjects. This study takes you though the entire book, one chapter a week. Enabling you to really dig into and hear the instructions written in it.

$5.00 – $30.00
Joy is not something that comes from looking around at our circumstances, or happenings. Joy is something deeper than what we are going thru during each season. Joy in Jesus is lasting. Joy in Jesus is full.
Some topics will we dive into during this study are:
- Jesus brings joy
- What is Joy?
- Joy in our life today
- Joy even during trials

$5.00 – $30.00
**Note the graphic says 6 week but this reading plan is a 4 week plan**
Each day we are in a fight, aren’t we? Not like David fighting Saul, but with Satan.
With Jesus, we can find deliverance. With God on our side, we can be victorious. Like David, we can sing this song of deliverance.

$5.00 – $30.00
Have you ever just thought… if this and this happened, oh my life would be so peaceful. If I just could get along with my siblings, if I could just have a bigger house, if I could just get a different job, If I could just get married, If I could just have more time, more money, another child, If I could just be older, younger, THINNER.
Then. I. Would. Arrive. I would be there. I would have peace.
I’ve thought that. I struggle with that. :/
I wish I could just sit across the coffee table with you, look you in the eye, and tell you the truth. PEACE DOES NOT Come from circumstances. Peace is not found in having the perfect house, family, bank account. Peace is NOT found in Perfect! So, dear Sister, let’s learn about pursing peace in Jesus.

$5.00 – $30.00
O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor? Or who hath first given to him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again? For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen. Romans 11:33-36
This is the best place to start the Romans 12 study. Think of the depth of God’s wisdom and knowledge! Think of how high His ways are above ours! Who knows His mind? Who counsels Him? …. and then we get to verse 36; For of Him, and through HIM, and to HIM are ALL things!! To Him be the glory for ever!!
When we KNOW all these things about God, when we know
When we realize how EVERY.THING comes from Him and exists by His power and is intended for his glory; then that stirs inside us a desire to live a Romans 12 inspired life.
It’s as though God says ‘If you KNOW who I really am and how everything exists because of me, THEN I beseech you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, to God.
And that dear Sister is JUST our reasonable service.

Rated 5.00 out of 5
$5.00 – $30.00
Just Simply Being… not rushing around and doing. No, just Being. We will start out the study with the example of Mary… sitting at the feet of Jesus. Simply Being.
Each week we have an element of ‘Being’ we will dig into deeper.

$5.00 – $30.00
The churches that John wrote about were actual, real live, churches during that time. Though those churches do not specifically exist during our day today, we can still learn plenty from them!
Each of the days we will dig into one of the seven churches. We will read
At the end of each church, John reminds us of what will be waiting for the overcomer. Glimpses of Heaven!

$5.00 – $30.00
Do you ever wonder what your Spiritual Gifts are? Or maybe you know what they are but want to dive deeper into how to use them or what they look like in the body of Christ. When you purchase this topical reading plan you will dive into:
How to approach Spiritual Gifts with the right mindset
Who gives us Spiritual Gifts
How to find your gifts
What do Spiritual Gifts look like in the Body of Christ
How to best use our gifts
The importance of using our gifts
What does everyday look like when we use our Spiritual Gifts
You can find blog posts around this topic
here. There is also a blog post with a list of some Spiritual gifts as well as a link to take a quiz to determine yours.

$5.00 – $30.00
We all want to be wise women, don’t we? So how do we make sure we are being wise? Here’s a Bible Study exploring and digging into the 30 sayings of the Wise found in the Book of Proverbs