We have an APP!

I am so excited to be able to offer you an App! It will make studying with us & with friends so much easier!

Why do you need the app?!

Good question! The app is going to equip you with the following:

  • Easy, Easy access to the free reading plans!
  • Daily point to Jesus in the form of bits of encouragement/quotes/graphics while the study or book club is going on …
  • Access to Connection Groups! (Community. Community. Community.)

Easy Access to the Reading Plans:

It’s easy, there is really no explanation needed lol

Just download the app… go to the Learning Little Lessons Section and click “Your Reading Plan”

Daily Point to Jesus:

The Daily Point to Jesus is also simple! Each weekday during the studies, the team and I will post a bit of encouragement/quote/graphic. Something little to point you to Jesus. (If you are instagram girl, picture instagram content with out any fight to beat the algorithms or fact checking going on ?)

To get this daily point to Jesus

  • Download the app
  • Set up a messaging account
  • Join the “Learning Little Lessons Daily Point to Jesus” Group

Connection Groups

EKKKK!!!! Connection Groups might be my FAVORITE Part of the app! Now we have a real place to connect as women around the Word of God!

Connection Groups are messaging groups that will fit anyway you need it to! Two basic options: Join our Study Group, which we’ve lovingly named Liz’ Study Group… OR create your own!

Liz’s Study Group — Elizabeth is our Community Gal on the team. Each study she hosts a group chat, typically this was done on the Group Me app. Now it is held HERE! ? Each person in the group works through the Reading Plan on their own, and they check in with the group. Share what you may have learned that day, ask a question, share a word you looked up, forward a song that fit well with the reading, …. the ideas for conversation are endless!

  • Download the app
  • Create a messaging account (maybe you did this already to get the Daily Point to Jesus)
  • Click on “Join the Study Group” we will add you to the secret group.

Create Your Own — Do you have your own study group? The awesome thing about this app is that you can start your own messaging group with everyone in your group! It’s easy!

  • Download the app (you’ve done this already right?! lol)
  • Create a messaging account (hopefully you’ve also done this too)
  • Go into your messaging home page (conversation bubble at the top right hand corner of the app)
  • Click the blue/purple plus sign and say ”Start conversation”
  • Add the people you want in your group and walaaaaa 🙂 you are ready to start chatting!
Join Us in the app

Redwood Sisters

Why Redwood Sisters?

Renée, one of the founders of Redwood Sisters reached out and invited us to share her app. It was something only God could have orchestrated!!!

The founders of Redwoods have been following a call from The Lord to gather women in small groups where they can be real and raw about life and Jesus.  Their passion is to encourage Christian women to connect and commit to meeting regularly to worship, encourage, and build each other up in Christ.

Check out her website

Redwoods. Because Redwoods are tall trees that instead of doing life alone, they reach their roots out to each other. Using the trees around them to grow stronger, taller, and reach to Heaven. Same with us… we, like the Redwoods… need each other. We need connection. We need to be surrounded by ladies who point us to Jesus.

Redwood Sisters is a perfect match up with what we are doing here at Learning Little Lessons… it adds a dimension to Bible Reading Accountability that only God knew we needed to add.

I’m very grateful to be able to share this place with the Redwoods, and can’t wait to see what God has in mind!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Good Question!  Go to the links above OR simply go to your devices App Store. Type “Redwood Sisters” in the search bar and click download.  Check out this video — https://youtu.be/VH4sE_i4bzI

It’s quite simple. Go up to right-top-hand corner of the app. Click on the conversation bubbles. Click on that. Once you are in that page — don’t “sign in” INSTEAD click “Create new account”. Fill in your info and you will receive an email from Subsplash, click the link to confirm, and you are IN!!

Check out this video — https://youtu.be/VH4sE_i4bzI

Once you are logged into messaging you will see “Conversations” and “Discover” click on Discover to find groups to join. *Be sure to join the “Daily Point to Jesus” group! Each day during the study we will add a thought for you. ❤️ 

If you would like to join our small group study group fill out this form or let Elizabeth or I know you want in. We will add you 🙂 

Good Question! Go to the hamburger stack on the top-left-hand-corner of the app. Click settings, click notifications. 

Some devices may also need you to go into the setting on your phone — Go to settings, click on the Redwood Sisters App.

have you downloaded the app?