Sister Share

Refocus — Our commission, calling & church

March 2nd, 2024

Do you feel like you are just surviving?

I don’t know about you, but whew things can feel overwhelming. Especially when I start looking around the world today. 

It seems like the car accidents, amount of cancer, sickness, trauma… just keeps increasing. And now the news of war and earthquakes… many many lives begin lost. The cost of everything is going sky-high. The political year ahead of us seems hopeless. 

And yet. I have children that need me. A family to feed. A husband to support. Outside responsibilities. People that are hurting in my church.

All while sifting through the sorrow and stress going on in the world. (And trying to help others process it too)

It’s overwhelming. While I believe God has a plan for it all, it can be hard to remember that in the everyday moments.

I believe a Refocus is what I need most. Maybe you too. 

I would love to have you join us for this year’s Sister Share for exactly that — a Refocus. 

A time to get away from the stress of the day and sit together with other sisters. To listen to Lynne talk about our commission, to learn how to deal with the ways satan tries to distract us, and hear from gals from our church, who are in different stages of life.

We are creating a relaxing refocusing type of day for you — come join us!  

We’d love to invite you to

Sister Share 2024

Join us for a day of worship, speakers, workshops, yummy food, and friends.

Speaker Line-Up

  • Keynote Speaker — Lynne Beery — Commissioned
  • StoryTime with Bea — Seasons of a Church Family — Ladies on the panel include: Connie Bauman, Marsha Rufener, Ann Uhler, Esther Saurer, Shayna Ramsier, and Carlie Schlatter.
  • Workshop — Keeping Focused on Your Calling — Trudie Schar

The Whens and Wheres:

On March 2nd, 2024 Sister Share will be held at Fellowship Hall (Steiner Road, Rittman) *Note NEW location!*

Light refreshments and coffee start at 8:45 am  — Event starts at 9:10 am

Event ends at 2:30pm – Lunch is provided

Suggested Donation is $15

Registration is open.
**The Deadline to register is February 15th! **

To learn more and sign up to join our giving project for this year check this — GIVING PROJECT 2024

Our Vision for Sister Share

  • Our goal is to offer women in our church (and local area) a time to get together for encouragement. A time that we pour into them, fill them up to the brim with Jesus, so they are ready to go back to their families and pour out.
  • Each event needs to consist of a Bible teaching, Personal story/testamony time, practical ways to implement the lessons, perhaps through a workshop or story-time.
  • Each event also includes a giving project, where the women attending can give back to a family, non-profit, or other organization in the community.
  • Another important goal of Sister Share is to give the women in our church the opportunity to use their gifts and talent to bless and serve others. Things like organization, leading singing, providing food, decorations, hospitality, along with speaking, teaching, and writing.
  • It is important to us that the speakers are local people, women you could meet in the grocery store or at church. Reachable, someone you can talk to long after they stop speaking on the “stage”.

From Him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. Ephesians 4:16

How it all began

The dream for Sister Share began one day when I went to a homeschool convention years ago. I walked in to the event very tired, drained, and not sure that I could homeschool another day. I was immediately met with speaking sessions that pointed me to Jesus. The whole day, speaker after speaker, I was uplifted and encouraged. I left the event ready to go back to my calling to homeschool.

During that day a desire began to form inside me. A desire to give this sort of day to the ladies in my church. And this is what became of this dream. I Praise God for letting me be a part of something so amazing!

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