Do you look back and see how God’s plans were better than what you thought you wanted?

Do you take time to look back at last year and compare how you thought it would turn out with how it really did?
It is interesting to see where I thought I would be… how I thought 2019 would look.
God had different plans for me.
Looking back I can see how bad it would have been if it had turned out like I thought.
I started the 2019 with hopes of finding a loud place to be. I started with 2 articles, I hoped would become a gateway to write somewhere bigger. I started 2019 with a book in my computer. A book that I hoped would end in a publishing contract. I started 2019 with a wad of money in my savings. Money I thought would be used to get me to a big place.
2019 didn’t look anything like I thought it would.
Instead in very quiet places I learned little lessons. In quiet places I wrestled with the past. In quiet places I experienced new hards. In quiet places, I learned to love and serve my people better. In quiet places, I became more of who God made me to be. In quiet places, I became closer to my friend, Jesus. In quiet places, I learned more details about His calling for my life.
Looking back. I’m thankful there was rejection found in those loud places I wanted to be in. Because I needed the quiet places.
It fills me with praise for my great God! He knows what we need best.
Friend, how did you see God show up in 2019. Did you see that He knows best? Or are you still in the waiting?