Pursuing Peace | 3 week study


Have you ever just thought… if this and this happened, oh my life would be so peaceful. If I just could get along with my siblings, if I could just have a bigger house, if I could just get a different job, If I could just get married, If I could just have more time, more money, another child, If I could just be older, younger, THINNER.
Then. I. Would. Arrive. I would be there. I would have peace.
I’ve thought that. I struggle with that. :/
I wish I could just sit across the coffee table with you, look you in the eye, and tell you the truth. PEACE DOES NOT Come from circumstances. Peace is not found in having the perfect house, family, bank account. Peace is NOT found in Perfect! So, dear Sister, let’s learn about pursing peace in Jesus.


When you purchase the 3 week Study that takes you into the topic of Pursuing Peace you will receive a downloadable PDF that includes:
  • A reading plan guiding you in the topic Clinging to Christ amidst suffering
  • A journal laid out using the TAP method
  • A kids journal to use with your children
With this study tool bundle, for 3 weeks you will read scripture that helps you to pursue peace!! You can go basic and simply use the reading plan to guide you through reading daily verses. If you want to dive deeper you can cross reference, look up word definitions, and use the included journal to write down the verse of the day, how you can apply it in your life, and then finish with a prayer.
This topical reading plan and journal is perfect for getting anyone, busy or not, into and thirsty for the Word of God!


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