When God Sends You a Monster Truck


Has God ever told you to be a florist; then sent you a monster truck to make your deliveries with??

Let me explain. The other day the girls were watching a Veggie Tales story.

Enter the florist, a gal veggie, that had just ordered a new delivery truck. This truck she was picturing had beautiful flowers painted on the side, and a big flower springing out of the top.

The salesman veggie delivers her new truck; and, rather than the beautiful flower truck, it was a monster truck. I mean a Big Monster truck.
The florist veggie cries out, “No, no, this is not what I ordered! You gave me the wrong thing!” He still leaves her with the keys and the monster truck.

Meanwhile the guy veggie across town receives the flower truck.

He had ordered a new monster truck to perform a daring stunt, and instead, he got a flower delivery truck.


Do you ever feel like you were handed the “wrong” truck?
Do you pray and pray, only to get a Monster truck, when you have flower deliveries to make?
Do you ever feel like God gets the order wrong?
Do you ever look around and think someone else got your order?
Did He get your “flower truck” mixed up with a “monster truck”?

I do. I find myself called to do something, and it seems I’m handed the wrong tools.

I’m called to homeschool, and I’m handed a night of little sleep. I’m called to raise four girls, and I am filled with insecurities and lack of self-esteem. I’m called to be a friend, and I feel like I have no time.  I’m called to write, and the quiet-time routine that we’ve had every day for 3 years falls apart; greatly decreasing the amount of time I have.

I look around and think, maybe someone else got what I ordered.

I see a gal that has kids off to school everyday; It seems like she got my order for more time.

There’s another gal with a big beautiful house, and I’m hosting people in my small house again. Surely I got the wrong house?

Her kids have slept all night since they were 3 weeks old! Wasn’t that supposed to come to me!?!


Yeah, I go down those paths. I complain when I don’t get what I ordered.

I am learning, very slowly.

I’m learning that God DOES know best. He gives us good things, though we might think He got the order wrong. He knows what the end looks like.


In the Veggie Tale story, the florist veggie needs to deliver a bouquet of flowers to an old grandma veggie. The grandma veggie that lives on top of the fridge. Could she have met that need with a flower truck? Would she have been able to serve that old Grandma, if she had gotten what she ordered? Certainly not. The monster truck was the ONLY way she was able to deliver flowers to the top of the fridge.



Are we ever going to order a flower delivery truck? Are we ever going to get a monster truck? No. Yet, what about all the times we get something we didn’t order? What about all the times we don’t get a night of sleep? When we have the messy small house full of people? When we have the relationship struggle? Or we have a time of deep depression?  When we lose our job?

All these things SEEM like the “wrong order”. They seem like God forgot us. It seems like we got a monster truck.


This is God. This is the God that knows the END of the Story! He has a plan.


He knows what tools, struggles, and “wrong orders” we need
to form us into the person He wants us to be.

He uses the “wrong orders” to be tools.

Tools that we never knew we needed.

Tools placed into our hands to bring someone else joy.


The chance is pretty high that He has someone on top the fridge. . . just waiting for YOU and your monster truck to deliver flowers.

Close-up of bunch of fragile lilies in female hands

For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. Romans 8:18

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. Romans 8:18 NIV

Do you have things in your life that look like “wrong orders” in your life?  How might God turn that into something good?

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