Letting Go & Letting God
I am so excited to have friend here on the blog today. This article is written by Darcy and I just know you are going to enjoy it!! 🙂
I am a very goal oriented, driven, type A person. Lists are right up my alley. As are doing the right things, making the right decisions, being productive, etc. All those are really good things, until I take them to the extreme. Until I begin to rely too much on myself and too little on God. You see, I can get caught up in trying to make the right decision, trying to be too productive, and trying to accomplish too many goals to do what God is telling me to do.I can forget God is not only telling me to do something, he is also helping me. I try to do the right thing and follow God’s leading, but I do it in the wrong way. I bet you can relate.
When we try so hard to do something of our own strength because God has lead us to do it, we forget that God is strong enough to do it without our help at all! It says in Isaiah 55:8-9 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts, than your thoughts.” In essence, when we get so caught up doing what we are supposed to do in our own ways and methods, we may just be missing out on God’s help with the process. Lately, I have been feeling a little overwhelmed with everything I feel I should be doing. In my mind, I need to be doing it all to be successful in the areas God has called me. I continue to do everything and totally overwhelm myself. I don’t want to let go of anything because I am worried it will cause failure, and the last thing I want to do is fail on God’s plan for me. I scurry around like a little squirrel trying to do it all and completely wear myself out.
The truth is, if God called you to do it, it will happen. There is nothing that can stop it. Here’s the thing though, it may not happen like we THINK it should. God may have a different path or direction than we could ever have imagined. We miss out on that though when we are too worried about doing everything right. Our brain is foggy because we are too focused on what we think we should be doing, we can’t see what God is telling us to do. Is it scary to let go of things to feel less frazzled? Yes! But when we let go of things we know should go, we can rest assure that God will help us. I heard someone once say that we need to leave a gap in our life so big only God can fill it. In essence that means, don’t settle for what is achievable. Don’t box God in. In my mind, by doing everything I think I should be doing, I will achieve my goal. The reality is quite different however. By doing everything I think I should be doing, I am taking on too much. By letting go of things, I am leaving a gap only God can fill. I feel like I am coming up short, but that is where faith comes in and says, God meet me here and help me do this. I can’t do it alone.
We need to have a clear mind that God can press his ways into. We need to have a faith big enough that says, God help me to do it your way. It may seem confusing to give up or take on something, but if God is leading, it is the only way to go. When we let go of all the “how it should be’s” and trust more and more in God’s ways we can have an incredible peace. Most of all, when we let go of our ideas and give them to God, we can rest assured we are doing the right thing even when it doesn’t make sense. We can look back and not regret decisions because we know God made them with us. “Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go!”.
-Meet Darcy-
Darcy and her husband Loren live in Illinois with their daughter Kina. Darcy is a work at home mom and balances her days between being a wife, mother, a seamstress/pattern designer, and most of all a child of God. She blogs at The Ruffled Stitch about sewing, and at The Ruffled Life about motherhood, marriage, life, and faith.
Connect with Darcy at theruffledlife.com and theruffledstitch.com .
Or email her at theruffledstitch.gmail.com