Simply Being – Be Watching and Ready (and a free online mom’s conference)

Do you know how to be sure you are watching and ready for the coming of Christ? KNOW HIM

Do you know how to be sure you are watching and ready for when His Spirit speaks to you? KNOW HIM

We have to KNOW HIM, really truly know His mind!  Friends, not just know OF Him, but really know Him!  We need to be in His Word, studying it, digging into it, learning all we can about it. If we are doing that, we will be watching and ready!  

There are seasons of life where we might have just 5 minutes to spend in God’s Word… do it.

There are seasons of life where we might just not feel like it…just do it anyways.

Get into God’s Word and get to know Him! That is the way to be Ready!


I’m so glad you joined our Simply Being Series!

It’s been really really good for me, to remember to Simply Be. I have grown thru studying it with you! I hope it’s been a blessing for you as well!


There is alot going on this week…Big changes are coming/came to the GIGW site … To make it easier to use and serve you all better. New products will be available in the store over there later this week. The announcement of the new study will be over there tomorrow.  Meanwhile, I’m working on prep for “Sister Talk” —  the Fall Women’s Conference.  It is this Saturday! cue confetti! If you want info go to GIGW and click on Sister Talk. 🙂


Last thing:: Some of you may remember the FREE Mom conference that went on last year in October!!  Well, it is back! It starts tomorrow! It is free again this year!


The Mom Conference is a totally FREE three day online event.  It starts October 17,18, and 19th.  You can listen while you fold laundry, do the dishes, or during nap time.

Attend the conference with over 75,000 moms around the world and come away armed with powerful new strategies for everything from sibling rivalry to meal planning to finding more joy in motherhood.

Register for FREE here:

Mom Conference


There are so many hard situations as a mom that you wonder if you are handling things the right way.  Sometimes all we need is a paradigm shift or better tools.

During the conference, you will have the opportunity to learn practical solutions to the hard stuff that motherhood throws at you. Things like:

  • Getting out of the cycle of yelling, nagging, and reminding to get your kids to listen
  • Managing sibling rivalry, when to step in or when to let your kids work it out
  • Setting up routines so you can have time for what’s most important to you
  • Keeping  your kids safe online
  • Effectively managing depression and anxiety
  • Keeping up with a busy house-hold; you’ll learn the best of the best mom hacks
  • Living a more intentional and joyful life (and teach your children to do the same)

And much more!

Do you want to know who is speaking?? Here is a list of some of the incredible presenters:

  • Dr. Laura Markham, Clinical Psychologist, bestselling author and discipline expert at Aha Parenting
  • Ruth Soukup, NYT Best-Selling Author and Founder of Living Well, Spending Less (I really like her)
  • Amy McCready, parenting expert, TODAY Show Contributor, author and creator of Positive Parenting Solutions (She helped me alot a couple years ago!)


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