
Hi Friends!  Summer is here! And with it… bored kids, grouchy moments and no routine! 😮 Oh! I mean hot days, cool pools and popsicles. lol

I thought it’d be fun to share some of my favorite summer tips!  From some of my favorite blogs, of course 😉


One of my very favorites is Jamie at Unlikely Homeschool.  Through the years I’ve gotten a lot of great ideas from her including some fun summer ideas.

This post is about her summer bucket fun list…  Similar to Kelly Jenson’s Live List.  This post will give you tips on making a summer bucket list.  Jamie also includes her list on this post.  It’s always a fun one for me to skim every summer.

Another favorite post of mine from Jamie is her Quiet Time Post.  This is a mommy’s sanity saver for summer!
One last thing I’ve learned from Jamie is her method of “Chore Stair-Steping” You can read her full post here.  The main take-away from this is what she wrote here:

“Encourage chore mastery and “mentorship”

I assign new chores in a stair-step pattern at the beginning of the summer. Our summer schedule is looser making it the perfect time to teach life skills like chores. My oldest is on the highest step…meaning she’s always assigned the most difficult chore throughout the entire school year. In the summer, she climbs to the next “step” or next most-difficult chore. I spend about a week teaching her that chore, a week monitoring and helping her with it, and a few weeks overseeing her progress. By the time school starts in the fall, she has learned the chore well enough that she can do it independently.

In addition to learning her new chore, throughout the summer, she also has to help “mentor” my oldest son (the next oldest sibling) in her last-year’s-chore. Since she did that chore for the previous nine months, she’s the perfect person to help guide him in it. I teach him the chore for a week, monitor her mentorship of him for a week or so, and then send them off to continue the training process for the rest of the summer.

At the same time, he is also helping to mentor his younger brother (the third born)…and so on.
Chore mentorship is a great way to cultivate leadership skills and sibling connectedness.”
    — Jamie at

Another favorite blog of mine is Confession of a Homeschool.  Here she gives a list of  here.  Part OnePart TwoPart Three


My science friend, Sherri, at has a great idea … go for a WALK!  She tells you why we need to be sure to take time for some walks this summer

One of my favorite speakers, Karen,  is doing a Simple Summer Series the whole moth of June 🙂 Yippee!  Here is the first one in the series.  Simple Ideas. Ideas how to unplug. Ideal Summer Days.  Go listen to her Podcast for some great Simple Summer Ideas!  I’m heading to take her advice and asking the girls what their ideal summer day is!  (((Go listen, this is a great Podcast!)))


Want to add some Bible Learning into your Summer?  Here is an awesome resource from Focus on the Family! Bible Detectives… I mean really; how fun is this?  My daughter LOVES mysteries.  This is going to be loads of fun for her.  It is a free download, so go get your copy!

We will also be finishing our Sibling Bible Study.  If you need a great resource to help combat sibling issues this summer; this study has really been helpful for us to go through together.

MOST importantly we moms, MUST stay in the WORD!  We must be sure to protect our Quiet Time, our devotional time with God!  That is the biggest KEY to staying sane this summer!  Staying intentional about keeping our relationship with God strong. Because that’s the only way we will make it 🙂 If you haven’t yet  be sure to download a free copy of my ebook Quiet Time Tips for Busy Girls!


That my friends is a lot of resources for you!  Many of which I go re-look over as I’m planning out our summer!  I hope one of these ideas can help make your summer a little more sane 😉


***I also did a survey on my Facebook page and got a LOT of GREAT ideas from friends!  Unfortunately I did it on my personal Facebook rather then LearningLittleLessons page…and I’m unable to share it on the page. (Another little lesson I learned lol) If you are a Facebook friend of mine run over and read those comments***

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