It Is A Sure Thing — Four Things to do to Prepare for Satan’s attacks


2017 was tough!

Hard physical battles, hard emotional battles. It felt like Satan was attacking relentlessly, from all sides.


I’ve been so fearful of the new year.  Worried that 2018 would be more of the same. I am weary. Weary of fighting all these inner battles with Satan. So worried that I will not have the STRENGTH to go thru more of the same battles again this year.

Tired and weary.

I’m scared to start a new year.

Yet, I’m looking at it all wrong.

Here’s the truth; there are going to be troubles in 2018.  There are going to be hard things. Satan is going into this new year ready to attack.

WE know that Satan won’t take any time off.


Let’s be prepared, for Satan’s attacks…

Here’s a list of four ‘Sure things’ that I’m hanging on to as we start the new year:

  • We will face some battles this year. IT is a sure thing.

Many times, just knowing that we will be going into a battle, is the first step in winning it.

  • Jesus will be with us in the new year. It is a sure thing!

      WE have His power living inside of us. The Holy Spirit; to comfort, guide, and teach us. A part of God inside us. When          the battles come, we must remember that we have this power on our side.

  • We need others to walk along side of us this new year. It is a sure thing!

We need to be surrounded by loving people. People that will pray for us when the tough times come in 2018.  People that we can text during a rough day.  You’ve heard that saying, no man is an island? Well, sweet friend, don’t let Satan put you on an island. Search out a church family, search out friends. Be a friend to others, we all need each other. WE have a great commission to pray for each other. Hold each other up in prayer. The Power of prayer is so great!  Let’s tap into that power and pray!!

  • We need to focus on nurturing our Relationships in the new year!  It is a sure thing!

Our relationship with Jesus first of all. Jesus wants a relationship, not a rule follower.

Then our relationship with our people, starting with our family first. Relationships are more important than wealth, houses, stuff, grades, likes on Instagram…..


There are going to be tough things in 2018. We don’t need to worry about or fear them. Let’s admit they are coming and get prepared. Let’s remember the Power inside us! Let’s let others walk beside and pray for us. Let’s learn all we can about our God and nurture our relationship with Him. Let’s nurture our relationships with others.

Let’s be ready to face the battles that are sure to come in 2018. Battles are coming. It is a sure thing. 

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    1. Thanks for stopping by, sweet friend!! You have already felt Satan’s attacks in the first few weeks of 2018, haven’t you?! Whew! I’m saying a prayer for you, that God fills you with peace and that the rest of the year goes smoother 🙂

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