
We have a lot of sisters at our house. Four to be exact. And that is just the right amount to produce a lot of fun sister activity. Unfortunately, it also produces a lot of not-so-fun sister activities; fighting, tattling, bossing, comparing, complaining, telling someone how to do it the ‘right way’…my list could go on and on and on. How easy it is to lose sight of our purpose as sisters.

When it happens over and over and over again…I get tired! It hurts me to see them hurting each other’s feelings. It makes me sad how they treat each other.

The girls know what I’m going to say before I even say it. I’ve said it over and over. I repeat it daily. Sometimes hourly.

“Sisters are for encouraging”

Sisters are not for:

  • …fighting with.
  • …tattling on.
  • …bossing around…Mom is the boss.
  • …comparing with. Life will NOT be fair. Everyone is better at something.
  • …complaining about.
  • …telling you how to do it their way.

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 

Our true purpose

Encourage one another. Build each other up.

That is the purpose of a sister.

Let’s go a step further. I’m talking about earthly sisters here. Those blood sisters. Yet, as I repeat this sentence over to my girls I hear the Holy Spirit whisper, “what about your sisters in faith?”

How should we treat our sisters in Christ?  What is the purpose for that kind of a sister?

I’d love for you to read the rest of the article at my friend’s website…

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