The Empty Cup
As a child, I remember hearing the ministers saying, “We have come to church to have our cups filled.”
Did anyone else hear that??
An adult now, I had the picture in my mind that I come to church with a empty cup, hear God’s Word preached and leave with a full cup, ready for the week.
With that in mind, the cup should last all week, right? Or maybe at least till midweek finding us back at church again?
I felt empty before I even got to Monday mornings.
I did not fell one bit refreshed. I felt like the woman coming to the well each day and going back the next day. Empty. Each Sunday I wanted to find the answer. The filling of my empty soul. The filling of my cup. Rather, I felt empty. I felt lonely.* I felt like the woman coming to the well each day. Returning the next day again with a empty cup.
I learned a Little Lesson.
This past weekend I got FILLED UP! I got filled by GOD. Jesus met me. And filled me up. As I realized how wonderful it feels to have a full cup. I thought, why don’t I do that more often? What was it about What was it? It was Jesus speaking to me all day long!
Jesus was the ONLY thing that the woman at the well found to satisfy her thirst. JESUS. He had water that can satisfy. He had the Living Water.
Today, He is the only way any of us will satisfy our thirst. Jesus is the only way our cup will be filled.
Jesus knew I needed a whole day with Him. A whole day, with little distractions, of just Him and I talking. No little ones to care for. Just me in prayer, hearing the Word of God. My cup was empty and now it was filled.
That day I learned a lesson. Why did I wait so long? Why did I wait till my cup got SO empty, that I needed a whole day, 8:30am to 10pm to be able to fill my cup up? Why didn’t I see that meeting Him each day, letting Him fill me a little every day, would help so that my cup didn’t get dry? Why didn’t I see that I do.not.have to wait till Sunday to fill my cup.
Every day. Every day I need to come to His Word, and meet Him so that He can fill my cup.
I Know This. I just needed a Little Lesson. A review lesson.
Let’s Talk!! Where do you find Jesus? Your morning quiet time? At church? Through praising Him? Bible Study? Listening to Jesus followers? Reading? Where do you meet Jesus? How best do you hear Him?
If how you fill your cup is TRULY Jesus, It will TRULY satisfy.
If how you fill your cup is TRULY Jesus, it will TRULY match the Bible.
I believe we need to know this. We need to spend time purposefully filling our cup. On purpose. Every day.
I have come to realize that I need to be intentional in filling my cup. It is my responsibility to make sure it happens. It just doesn't doesn't happen by showing up at church or skimming a chapter in the Bible so I can check it off of my to do list. It takes action, purpose, and focus. There are so many ways that Jesus touches us throughout the day.!
I can’t fill my cup by spending the day reading scripture. Now don’t get me wrong, I gave myself to Jesus 40+ years ago and would not change that if I could. To me the Bible is just words on a page. Nothing jumps out to me when I read scripture. I don’t get anything “spiritual” from reading the Bible. My head can understand the words, but the heart feels nothing, but a gigantic hole where God should be. I need God to refill my cup, just a little something to show me that God is there.
Thanks and God Bless You, in Jesus name, Amem
Thanks for the comment! I can feel the same way at times, get done reading and not really have gotten anything from it. Other times the pages come alive and I enjoy it so much! Have you tried a Bible study or reading plan? Oftentimes for me having a place to start, or a theme to look up helps the Bible become more amazing.
The day I mentioned above, where I felt filled up all day long… was when I spent the whole day at a Christian Homeschool convention. Every speaker I went to hear pointed me back to the Bible. The topics they touch on were exactly the things I had been wrestling with. The things I had been feeling so empty about. So yes, it was being filled by the Bible, but the speakers and being surrounded by other Christians for the day is really what helped fill me to the brim! (I hope that helps)
I love the Bible and get lots from it, yet being around other people that also love God is another way that I feel filled up. In what ways does God fill you up?