A Blank Canvas

A while ago I was at a homeschool mom’s night out. A friend of mine had planned a craft for our group. She handed us each a blank canvas and some fancy markers. We were to choose a word, verse, or saying to put on our canvas.

When everyone was finished I walked around the room and looked at artwork. I found that every single canvas was different.

Some had written just one word. Some had filled thier canvas with words. Some had added color. Some added additional designs or drawings.

You know the funny thing was… each canvas kinda matched who the person was. It matched their personality. I don’t know why I was so surprised by it. . . But I was. I’d say most of us hadn’t sat down to paint, draw, or create in a while. (Unless you count helping our kids with art projects)

Yet… handed a blank canvas we filled it to match our personality.

Another interesting thing I noticed was that none of us felt like our canvas turned out how we thought it would. Canvas material is a little bumpy to write on. The lines we made were not always smooth.

Again. It matches our personality. None of us are completly smooth. Some are better at hiding those rough edges… some one us work hard to smooth those rough bumpy places out. We shape and form. We look to Jesus to shape and form.

The words on the canvas even told a story. One person put her last name…another the word love. Another a special Bible verse. One of us (I won’t point any fingers)… actually wrote “LET IT SNOW” please NO! Lol ?

But the canvas doesn’t stay blank. Just like our life.

Most wrote in fancy lettering. Cursive. With frills.

But me. I just wrote abide.
In print.
In lower case.
Ending with a period.


Because indeed that is the thing I need.


Yes, my girls were mad at my lack of creative. Yes, they offered to add their creative pictures and creative touches. ?

But that’s who I am. A simple girl. Learning to abide.

What would be on your canvas?

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