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During my morning quiet time recently, I read this in my devotional:

“The way to walk thru demanding days is to grip my hand tightly and stay in close communication with me. Let your thoughts and spoken words be richly flavored with trust and thankfulness. Regardless of the day’s problems, and I will keep you in perfect peace as you stay close to me.” Jesus Calling, by Sarah Young, June 4th.

That really hit me. God can keep us in perfect peace as we stay close to Him.

perfect peace

How do we stay close to our Heavenly Father?

This key to staying close to Him is found through a relationship with our God.

Thinking about our relationship with God reminds me of my girls and their relationship with my husband. I’ve overheard my girls say, “Daddy wouldn’t like that,” or, “Let’s get this cleaned up before daddy gets home,” or “Daddy is going to be excited.”

Knowing how their daddy thinks sure helps to make the house more peaceful. When they know what he thinks about something, and then go and do it. Wow! How peaceful it is!

We had a situation like this just last night. The girls had played with their cousins for hours and hours. Then it was supper time and the house was still a disaster. After supper daddy said everyone could either help clean up or sit on a chair and watch the others clean up. They knew he meant business. They heard him. They knew what he expected. They went and did it. Then they peacefully enjoyed a treat together, once the house was in order.


How about with our Heavenly Father? Do we search His mind? Do we know what He is saying to us? Do we hear the words He’s speaking to us? Do we listen? Do we know what He expects of us?…..

….Come join me at Rachael to read the rest of the article… Click here.

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One Comment

  1. “Trudie, your analogy of a father’s influence on peace in the home resonates deeply. It’s a beautiful reminder to seek closeness with our Heavenly Father, understanding His expectations and finding peace in obedience. Thank you for sharing this insightful reflection.”

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