During the Wait

There were a lot of people in the Bible with big dreams, Abraham, Hannah and Elizabeth dreamed of having a son. King David dreamed of building a temple for God. The Israelites dreamed of reaching the promised land. The disciples dreamed of Jesus’ second return.


Some of their dreams came true, some of them did not. But each of them had a choice, will they do the thing right in front of them?
For Abraham it was leaving his home and going to a new place. Hannah was entreating the Lord at the temple. Elizabeth was simply waiting.


For King David it was accepting the fact that his dream wouldn’t come true and preparing everything possible for his son to build the temple.
For the Israelites it was … well do we have to talk about them? They were the example of how NOT to do it. Lol


For the disciples it was learning to live in anticipation of Jesus’ second coming — yet sharing Gods message of salvation to those right in front of them.
 What is your big dream? What are you supposed to be doing while you wait?


 Every time we do the thing right in front of us it is preparation for those big dreams someday. (Whether someday ever comes or not)
  What is the one thing you can do today… the one thing that will prepare you for the dreams of tomorrow?
(If you missed it, be sure to go back and listen to this weeks podcast message!)

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