He Wants to Hear From You!

Often the things we find ourself saying to the people around us;
God is whispering the same words to us.
I have a little gal who whines.  You know how that is right?  She mopes and whines and sighs and moans.  She doesn’t say a word.  Just mumbles and sighs and moans.  She just makes noises.
Sometimes I already know what she wants.  Sometimes I already know what is bugging her.  I want her to tell me it.  I want to hear from her.  I want relationship with her.
I find myself telling her:
“STOP!!  Just TELL Me with WORDS; what is the matter?”
“Just tell me with WORDS; what do you need?”
“Just tell me what you want! Don’t whine!”

I find myself doing this in my own life.
I whine.
I moan.
I grumble.
I mutter.
I make noises.
I sigh.
God says to me:
ASK and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
“Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ASK himMatthew 7:7-12
He doesn’t want me to whine around.  He wants me to ask.
He wants me to use words.
He wants to HEAR from me.
When my little gal stops whining around and actually TALKS to me and asks me.
When I stop whining around and actually TALK to God
When I stop whining around and simply take my cares to my God; amazing things happen.
Yes, He already knows what I am feeling. He already knows what I’m whining about.  However, He WANTS to hear from me.
He wants me to say it in words.  He wants me to voice my feelings.
He wants a relationship with me.
When I go to Him with words. He can finally help me.
Often just in the sharing with Him I find relief.
What about you?  Have you found that to be true?  Do you ever find yourself just whining and grumbling; rather than speaking words of prayer?


Take the time today.  He wants to hear from YOU!  He wants to help YOU!

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