Homeschool Helps

Some of my friends are rolling out things to help the new homeschooler. These people have helped me in many ways and I’m sure that you will find a gem or two in my list.

First my friend Toni has a YouTube channel — she’s been doing mostly curriculum reviews and some diy tips. I like her 10 tips for homeschooling — check it out!

My friend Leslie has an awesome live-streaming event coming next week. Along with TONS of resources on their website, courses, and at home events. My favorite part of TTD is an online homeschool community. You should check it out if you want to surround yourself with homeschool moms.

Then my friend September is putting on a homeschool help course — She has homeschooled all her children (and she has a few of them wink?) She is so sweet and remembers to keep her kids hearts first thing.

My friend Jamie is doing a homeschool jumpstart webinar. Jamie is great! I learned how to plan my homeschool day and schedule out the whole year from her. Her course has the tips! Check it out here

Last but not least… there is a HUGE bundle of homeschool goodies for sale until July 31st midnight. It includes way too many things to mention them all! For every age… check it out
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