Have you found yourself stuck?
This is me right now. I have plenty to do. A long to-do list. I long list of things I need to put on my to-do list. And a headache. Messy house (again). People to call. Emails to send. Children to take care of.
And I have two hours. Surely something should get done. Surely one thing on my list.
Everything on the list looks so big. Too big to start on it. Which to do first? Where do I start?
Do you find yourself here?
Are you stuck?
Here I am again. Stuck. No energy. Not enough time. Not sure what project to do first. Stuck.
The last few days I have been going, going, going. From sun up to sound down. Doing good things. Unpacking from the family vacation, babysitting, cooking, baking bread, doing laundry. Keeping this place running. Doing good things. Three days of just that. Did I take time with God, yes, but I can’t focus. Too much on my mind. Too many people around. Kids fighting as I read my Bible. Toddler tunes replaying in my head as I try to sleep at night. Another snack break I need to serve, as I try to balance the checking accounts. Did I mention a headache?
Oh, and a electric keyboard with preset tunes playing in the back ground?
Guess what? I feel lousy. I feel lazy. I feel sick. And guess what? I am the only one to blame.
I have not taken the time to
I run around trying to please others. I run around trying to clean this place up. I run around trying to be on the ball and prepared for everything. I run around trying to keep my girls happy. I run around doing things for my hubby. I run around all day pleasing my family.
In the end. Here I am. Am I able to help anyone? Am I able to be nice to anyone? Am I further ahead? No, No, and No.
God tells me again; just like He told me last week. Take care of yourself, Trudie. I need you to take care of yourself; so that you have strength to take care of your family.
Proverbs 16:25 There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. (KJV)
It seemed right to me, to keep going and going. It seemed like the right thing to do. It seemed like the Godly thing to do.
But in the end it was not. It ends in the ‘death’ of me. It ends in the ‘death’ of my energy. The ‘death’ of my health. And ultimately brings destruction to my family. When I am down; I can’t do my job.
So, I’m off to take care of myself. Get a big drink. Smile a little at my girls. Get something healthy to eat. Maybe I could sneak a minute with my eyes shut. Hide the crazy electric piano!!!!!! 🙂 I feel better already.
What do you do to take care or yourself? How do you revive and rejuvenate yourself? What do you do to protect the precious body God gave you?
I know exactly what stuck feels like.
Hi Amber! Thanks so much for stopping by 🙂 It's good to know I'm not the only one that feels stuck. Good to know I'm not alone. I'm praying for you right now. Trudie
I have to keep remembering that it is ok to say 'no' to some things. I can struggle with taking on too many projects. We don't need to feel guilty taking time for our selves!!
HI Marsha! Thanks for your comment! 🙂 Yes, you are so right, we should NOT feel guilty saying 'no' to someone else; so we have time to say 'yes' to taking care of ourselves. God wants us to try to keep ourselves mentally, physically and spiritually healthy. Stop back again, friend! 🙂 Trudie
Aww! You're so right, it's very valuable to take good enough care of yourself that you can continue to care well for others!
Thanks for stopping by, Rachel 🙂
Oh yes! I do understand that feeling well, Trudie! The past few weeks for me since starting up our homeschool year have felt like a hamster wheel. I feel like I try to attack ten things on my list at once and then none really get done and 10 more get added. I'm really trying to take time to enjoy the small moments and focus on the little things that make the day wonderful, but I hear you! Sometimes I want to throw up my hands and just curl up in my bed alone for a few minutes! And yes, try to find time for yourself. For me, even running an errand after my husband comes home and getting a few minutes and some fresh air does wonders. Good luck!
Running on a Hamster Wheel!! What a great analogy! Thanks for stopping by!
i find that writing down what i have to do helps (and doing it one thing at a time too 😀 )
Good idea! I write it down then try to do it all at the same time. Lol.
Yes! It's so important to take care of ourselves! And it's OK to take a break from things – when we go back to them, it's usually with renewed enthusiasm. 🙂
I like permission to take a break.
Remember the instructions when you get on a plane. Please put your oxygen mask on before you help the child or elderly person beside you. You cannot help anybody if you are passed out yourself.
Excellent Thought!! I pray we can do just that. Get our oxygen masks on so we can take care of our Hubby and Children.
Take care of yourself. I spent too many years worn out and out of breath (we raised 15 kids, 13 of whom were special needs adopted, served in ministry, taught school, etc.). Take time each day to enjoy your life, make plans to eek out a little alone time with God and look around often at all the blessings around you. You have to live life purposely, make it a point to treasure each moment and commit it to memory because time flies way too fast. Blessings!
Thanks, Val for the good advice! Wow 15 kids! Blessings to you also! Trudie
What an honest post. I know many moms who feel the same way. However, you're right – you need to take care of yourself so that you're able to take care of others. It might seem selfish, but it's not. Keep in God's word and He will see you through.
Thanks for stopping by Teresa! You are right He will see me through. He will see you through also 🙂
We can't be of support to our family if we aren't taking care of ourselves. Sometimes I need to just go read a book. I spend a lot of time on my blog, so I'm not interacting with the fam and that's a release for me as well. Take care of yourself!
Thanks for stopping by Sandy. Yes spending time writing for the blog really is a release for me too. 🙂
Hello. Story of my live! I do this way too often and then I get the kick in the butt of exhaustion. I NEED my quiet time with Jesus to get filled, even if it's ten minutes alone in the bathroom praying. I also need a little fun excersize! So I TRY to go to a Zumba class twice a week and shake my booty. It's fun and it gives me a better attitude. When I can afford it a cheap Chinese massage is a nice get away for me too! Hope you find some rest.
Exercise!! Its something I need too, to help keep my brain clear. And Quiet time with God, you are SO right! Thanks for stopping by!
I can't really remember a time when I wasn't usually exhausted. 🙂 It was probably at some point before I had kids. I wish I had half the energy my 5-year-old has. She's a delightful little bundle of constant movement.
I can agree, It would be great to have the energy of our children!! Blessings to you and your 5-year old bundle of energy 🙂
I understand! So often we moms put everyone and everything else ahead of ourselves, and we end up burning out, being in bad health, and feeling tired and overwhelmed all the time! I think it's great that you've decided to put an end to that! I began going to the gym 4 mornings a week for an hour about 5 months ago. I also made some big changes to the way I eat, and I decided to make sure I get enough sleep–at least most of the time. It has made a wonderful difference in how I look and feel! 🙂
That is great you made those changes 5 months ago. It gives me hope that perhaps I can stick with it that long too. Thanks for sharing!!
Praying for you to have sometime to relax and rest. It is so hard with kids.
Thank you! I need prayers!
I love that you use scriptures! It's so difficult sometimes when we are overwhelmed, to realize that we need to actually stop doing & just BE with our God.
Yes, It is difficult to stop and BE with God when it seems like we don't even have time for anything. Thanks for stopping!
I so relate to this. You may as well just insert my name! Life has a way of happening all at once and it can be so overwhelming. But when I feed myself spiritually I am so much better for everyone else. Great reminder. thank you for your lovely post.
Thank you for your kind words! I am so glad you can relate! I hope you stop back again. Trudie
Great reminder to get rest and fuel up. For me sometimes it is just staying up later to chill with my wife and just making a point to get extra rest and just taking a break from everything that is going on. Thank you for the reminder.
Thank you for the reminder to fuel myself up. For me I do so by getting extra rest and relaxing with my wife after the kids are in bed.
I have one of those driven type personalities…I just keep going and going and going. But I have learned to just tell myself to STOP if even for 15 minutes and those few moments of stopping have had an amazing impact on my life!!!
Being stuck is the worst. Sometimes you have to plug in to different channels to help you unstuck.
I definitely understand this, and I'm not even a mom! We often worry too much about the things that are urgent rather than the things that are important. And WE are one of those important things! It's crucial to take care of ourselves, even if that means letting the dishes wait and sitting down with a snack and Netflix. It's easy to feel like that's laziness, but God calls us to rest sometimes, and it makes everything sooo much better when we take time to do just that.
I struggle with taking care of myself. There is so much to do, but I have been trying to take more time out for myself when I can.
Oh yes, I can relate to what it feels like to be stuck! Always important to take a step back, take a good long hard look at what a great life we are blessed with and take a deep breath!
My house is kind of messy too as we speak, but it has definitely been worse ;). I've learned the best thing for me to do when I feel like this is ironically picking up the tasks I can control first. So, folding the laundry that needs to be folded and start on washing the dishes. I've found getting the tasks done around me helps me clear my thoughts a little bit and also helps me feel like I am starting to get on my do list!
I know the feeling you described. Before hitting 40–what I ate, how much I slept, and whether or not I exercised didn't really matter. Now it does. And alone time–need that. When I do those things well, I am well.
Ohhh how timely so many posts are tonight for me! I was just telling my husband, "Oh, I'll get to sleep soon. I just have a couple more blogs to get to visit from commentathon!" LOL It's been so much fun blog hopping through this event but alas, I do need to rest and rejuvenate! Thanks for the reminder. 🙂
This post is how I am feeling right now. I have so many things to do that I have a hard time getting myself started and knowing what is the most important thing to do. I have found that starting my day with a long walk is helping a lot. It gives me a chance to clear my head so I can better plan my day.
That is were I am at this moment and what my post is about….because I've allowed myself to be stuck for so long that I didn't take proper care of some many areas of my life so I'm picking up the pieces and finding my way out of this stuck place…
Yup! I know what stuck feels like. I am there right now and it sucks. I just hope one day i will be unstuck.
I am having the same problem, I don't feel good, I really just want to take a nap but my to-do list is longer than my paper! I know I need to pick one thing and get it checked off my list (which is why I'm trying to finish up my commentathon list from Blogelina!) but it's taking forever! Just keep trucking… then take some time for myself!
Listening to music really helps me relax, connect with God, and get "unstuck"- a very powerful tool!
I know all about this. It's just important to take a moment to yourself sometimes. Just sit still, share your heart with God, maybe take a walk. Ultimately it's important we know that we should care for ourselves so we can care for those we cherish. Thank you for this post Trudie!
Sounds I'm not the only one! I find that a little alone time and a book gives me that little pick me up I need when feeling ragged!
Stuck – I have been there way too often recently. I have found that a little break doing something I enjoy helps me to refocus on what needs to be done so I can get everything finished.
I have never really felt this until a couple months ago. It was so difficult for me to work through. Now, I pray every day for the Lord to order my steps and for me to keep my focus on Him not the distractions that weigh me down. Keep on! Thanks for sharing and being real!
I remember an ad in a magazine I saw ages ago. It said, "People we mostly take care of" and showed a man, children, an elderly couple. And then "People we mostly don't take care of" and it was that reflective stuff they use as mirrors in magazines. That has stuck with me all these years.
Take care of yourself.
When I feel stuck, I make an appointment with my life coach. After an hour I usually have quite a bit of clarity!
Love this advice! And yes, the electric piano needs to "dissapear". LOL!
I make time every day to work out. Even if it means sacrificing sleep or time in other areas, I find it to be so worth it!
Wow! This is soooooo me. Like right now even lol. Thanks for posting this. Now I need to take some time for me. 😉
Long gone are the days where I have children underfoot, but I still found myself busier than I wanted to me, and it seemed the faster I went the behinder I got. Maybe it is because I am turning 50 next week, but I finally have the mindset to put myself first. I am okay with saying no to something that doesn't really speak to my heart. I put my feet up and enjoy a sitcom in the evening, I enjoy a bit of quiet to read a good book. And, I take time to set my priorities. Sometimes that means I will be very busy (like committing to blogging every day in October and participating in a 6 week One Room Challenge), but I know at the end of the day those are things that make my heart sing!
Self-care is something that I am just learning–at 53 and it is a challenge. Unfortunately, not taking care of myself stems from not loving myself. I am finding that as I learn to accept the love of God, I am learning to love myself. What a Journey! Thanks for sharing.
I find myself stuck more often than I'd like to admit but that's when I realize it's time to take a break and enjoy some me time
Self-care is an important part of life because, without it, you have nothing to give to others. I've learned to put myself first and not feeling guilty about doing so
I know what stuck feels like, but I also know that it's important to take care of myself. It's important to recharge my batteries before I can help my family or those that need me.
Thank you for sharing your motivation, and how your recharge.
Bang on! I know what that feels like too – even though I don't have children. I love how you've outlined simple ways to take care of yourself.
I am feeling a little less than motivated this weekend. I'm waiting to get this all started on Monday. (That for the kick in the pants Lol)