Moving On & Filling Up

Last week started first Official Hello Jesus  Study – Rooted. It marked the first official week of me not being the GIGW girl and it feels just right!
The first few weeks were a little adjusting to. What to do with all my free time!? To be honest I wondered if I had a purpose anymore.
I still do 😉
I’ve spent a lot of time resting and praying the last couple months. I’ve pleaded and pleaded with God to show me what the future holds. I’ve bugged my friends with different questions, what is my point here? Why do I write? What is my passion?
I’ve spent time really digging into who God made me to be. What makes me feel alive and intergizes me.
I’ve showed up every morning at my little desk and asked God, ‘What do you want me to write today?’
I’ve learned about giving my two little pennies to Him.
I’ve learned about the power of rest.
I’ve learned about the amazing energy that comes from doing something I love for just a little bit each morning.
I’ve learned why I need to stay here.
I’ve learned what my message needs to be. At least for now.
The message that the Holly Spirit put on my heart was one of Filling Up.

Filling up with Jesus so we can freely pour out of our abundance to others.

  • Rather than feeling drained and trying to pour from an empty cup.
  • Rather than feeling like we don’t have anything else to give to anyone; but still needing to keep giving.
  • Rather than giving and giving and giving (even to good stuff) till we lose sight of who we really are and who we really are suppose to be.
  • Rather than giving without joy.
Friend, do you ever feel empty? Feel like you keep giving and giving and giving but can’t ever take time to fill back up? Feeling like you have lose sight of who you really are just rushing around doing and being what you think you have to do?

You are not the only one.

I’m an Empty Girl too

I really want to come along side you and encourage you to keep on going. I want to help you to fill up on Jesus, so you can go out and freely pour out to your husband, children, friends and neighbors.
In order to serve you better I’ve redesigned the website! When you go check it out you are going to find three areas:
  • Filling up on Jesus — practical tips, lessons, and encrouagement from the Bible to help you keep Filled up on Jesus.
  • Pouring out to Our Kids — lessons from the little people in our life {no answers, just another mom trying to see the point inside this crazy thing called #momlife}
  • Moms In Ministry — a community of moms journeying alongside each other, to encourage and lift each other up as we serve others through Women’s Ministry.
If you haven’t been on the site recently be sure to go take a look around!
You can also connect with me on Instagram @learninglittlelessons and @theencouragedhomeschoolmom. Or I’d love to hear from you through email at

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