A Letter to my Extroverted Children




Dear extroverted children,


I love to be home. You know all those weeks that you hated being home? Those days you just longed to be with people? Ya. I know that longing feeling. But it’s opposite for me. I dread going places. Days and days of rushing here and there is so tiring.


But here’s the thing, I do it for you. I know you like having something to do.


(Sometimes I wonder if you you really like it. Often I interrupt your play so you can get ready do you like that?)


But then when I say things like “hey, time to clean up. Time to go.” It doesn’t feel like you really want to go. I mean you don’t move very fast. Sometimes I have to help you find your shoes, coat, and extra pair of leggings. I have to pull you away from projects you are doing. I have to help you get hair done and find your stuff.


I wonder if you are really fueled by going places?


If I was really fueled by something I prepare much before it’s time. I know I’m a nerd and maybe you don’t have to do this but I prepare my mind. I make a list, so my mind is cleared, I finish last minute things that I know are going to bug me. Like dishes or sweeping. I plan ahead. I prepare. If know I have a limited time, oh boy, I hold it with the respect it needs.


I wonder if you really hold your plans with respect. (Plus there’s often someone on the other end of where you are going. If you love hanging out with people do you respect their time?)


I don’t know. Just a couple thoughts from this introvert.


And just a hint, if you want me to help you get out of the house to all these events… then boy oh boy… you better get on board. This introvert ain’t going to be up to go back to how life used to be.


If it fills you up and you wanna leave this house. Imma gonna need your help!


Love ya, Mama

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