A Real Relationship . . . Continued & Big Announcement

March 12, 2016 (83) Matte

We need Jesus.  We need a relationship.  We need to spend time investing our relationship with Him.  Now what?

Do you know what that looks like?  Do you know HOW to do that?  Do you know what to do when you are spending time with Him?

Me neither.  At least not 5 years ago 😉


I think I’ve learned a little more what that looks like.  Do I always practice what I preach? No.  Do I always do it right?  Nope.  Do I always know what I need to do? Yep.  And I’m going to share that with you today.


First, lets get rid of some lies; lies that I had and maybe you do too!

Time To Get Up With A Cup Of Coffee Early In The Morning

  • First lie- I do not have to read a whole chapter of the Bible every day. (Check Galatians 5:1-12.  A little bad attitude changes the whole loaf like wise just a little good can go a long way)
  • Second lie- I do not have to have a 20 minute formal prayer three times a day. (Read Luke 18:10-14 to get rid of this lie)
  • Third lie- This is not a checklist that I had do.  This is some thing I needed to do from the heart. (Read the story in 1 Samuel 15, he was ‘doing what He thought was the checklist; yet he didn’t have a real relationship with God, so he didn’t obey Him)
  • Fourth lie- I don’t have time. This one might be true. YET I make time for what I want to do.  I made time for laundry, and I don’t even like laundry, 😮 so surely I had time for God.  (This was before Facebook in my life, but I’m sure there were other things that took my time away, that weren’t chores I had to do)   Facebook, blogs, too many projects, you can even be doing too much GOOD, making too many meals for people.  If we do not have time to have a little quiet time with God, we are too busy, something needs to be taken out of our schedule.
  • Fifth lie- It has to be some impressive quiet time. Nope.  Let me show you something that works.


So a few years ago, I ran across a quiet time method, and it really changed my life.  It got me into the Word of God.  It was not hard.  It was not a big deal.  What it did though is wet my lips; It got me thirsty for more of the Word.  It got me wanting to learn more and more.  It strengthen my relationship with Jesus.


It started with a simple reading plan.  There were 4-5 verses to read, then one verse to write.  So in my journal I wrote the verse, then I journaled through a simple study method.  Just focusing on ONE verse.  You could do that right?  One verse?!!  This was so easy!  When I first started I spent 5 minutes a day.  Could you spend 5 minutes a day, with someone who wants to be your best friend?


Today I have news for you!!  The big announcement is here!


I have started a website just for you; to help YOU get into the Word of God.


The website is called Girls In God’s Word.  My passion behind it is to help others, busy moms/wives/women to get into the Word of God.  This is perfect for even young girls.

It is not hard.


Let me tell you how it works:

  • We send you a reading plan. This will be a 4 week topical reading plan.
  • You read the several verses that are assigned for the day. Usually it is not much, around two or three verses.
  • In a journal or notebook, you TAP the verse for the day.


Let me explain the TAP method.

T= TRUTH Write the TAP verse of the day. That is it, just simply write it at the top of the page.

A= ACTION/APPLICATION Take a few moments to let the verses sink in to your mind. “Meditate on the verses.” Give God time to speak to you. However this step looks like for you… Maybe you have lots of time and the verse reminds you of another verse: dig into it. Maybe it brings up a question in your mind: research it. Maybe you are a busy mom, and you have only a moment to think about it. That is OK too!

At the end of this step, write things down that come to your mind. Write the thoughts that Jesus wants you to carry with you for the day, things that He is showing you that you need to apply to your life.

P= PRAY Again, take some time to write. Write a prayer. However that looks for you; long, short, formal, informal, praising, or pleading.


Sound do-able??


Ready for MORE exciting news???   The first Bible Study Starts on Monday, March 21st!! Here it is!!

Tulip Flowers


Go check out the website 🙂  I hope you will like it!!  www.GirlsInGodsWord.com

The story of how this website started is amazing, and you can read it here.

The passion and purpose behind Girls in God’s Word is here.


Let’s start a conversation!!  Is anyone else excited??

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