A Real Relationship . . . Continued

Earlier this week I left you with some hard questions.  Really, I left you in the middle of my article, oh I had lots more to say!  😉  (If you haven’t read it yet you can find it here)

Cup of fresh coffee on rustic wooden background

I spoke about that need, that I think we all have,  to run to something.  The coke, the coffee, or chocolate; the things we run to when the day gets stressful.  The things that don’t last.  The things that 10 minutes after you eat it, you need more of.


We agreed, right?  We need Jesus.  We need to run to Him.  He wants us to run to Him.  He wants to be our hero; He wants to fill all our need.


He wants to have a real relationship with us.  Not one sided friendship.  We agreed on that, right?


I wonder you have been like me, just going thru the motions of life and just letting the days past; without really thinking about your relationship with Jesus.


I asked you some hard questions in the last post:

  • How do you strengthen your relationship with Jesus?
  • Are you able to carve time into your schedule to spend time with Him every day?

These are questions we need to ask ourselves.  We need to stop and consider it.  How is your relationship?  How do you nurture it?  Do you have time scheduled to spend with Jesus?  Do you know how to spend time with Him?


Pause…pause…pause…. seriously, think about it.


You know what? Every good book that I have read on the subject of motherhood, marriage and even organizing includes a chapter about doing quiet-time.  Even the authors that do not profess to being Christians.  They all say how important quiet time, thinking and refreshing your-self is.  If it is a Christian author, he or she, always mentions reading, praying and meditation.  If it is a non-Christian author, he or she mentions, queitness, thinking, soul searching.  Reading motivating books and journaling are also suggested in these quiet time chapters.  Many of these books have said, if you only change one thing in your life, add a quiet-time.  If you stop and take a couple minutes every morning, you will see a difference.  The books I’ve read give suggestions on where to do it, when to do it and how to do it.  

Some things I’ve tried, and they helped.  

Some things I’ve tried and they did NOT work for me.  

Everyone is so different.  

Even EVERY stage of life is so different.


March 12, 2016 (56) Matte


The important thing is is that we need to do it.  We need to have a quiet-time.  We need a time to shut the world out and just be still.  We need a time to listen to God speak His truth and His love into our hearts.  We need a time where we can pour our heart out either on paper or in words.  We need a time to connect with our God, a time to strengthen our relationship with Him.


Any good friendship takes some work, on the part of both people.  Time spent together, making memories, hanging out, talking, sharing struggles… you get the picture.  There are times in friendship that  something may come between the two people; the busyness of life, a extra struggle, a misunderstanding, kids and a husband, a job.

Just life right?

What do we do?  If the friendship is going to last and stand the test of time; we have to reconnect.


Just as it is with earthly friendships, the same applies to us and Jesus.  We need to take time to reconnect.  If we want the relationship to stand the test of time, we need to pour time into it.  We need to take extra care to make it a priority.  We need to be sure we invest in this relationship!! Because He is the most important friend to have!  Jesus!


We know we need Jesus.

We know we need a relationship with Him.

We know we need to take TIME for relationship with Him.


And I stop again.  Leaving you with still no solutions.

(Really I have to stop because I can’t make things too long here and I have just way too much to say 😉  Stick around )


I Promise Big Announcement Coming in One Hour!!

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