
 — written by my friend Marsha —

I pray it encourages you today!  Don’t listen to satan, he is a liar!


Satan tells me that I am all alone.

The Bible promises me that God is my refuge and help in trouble.  He will not leave me.


Satan tells me that I am flawed, defective and not beautiful. 

The Bible assures me that I am fearfully and wonderfully made.


Satan brings up fears of the future. 

The Bible tells me to not let my heart be troubled.  That He brings me peace.


Satan tells me that I am just going to get hurt again. 

The Bible promises that when I go thru fire or deep water, He’ll protect me.


Satan tells me to not trust anyone. 

The Bible tells me to trust Him with all my heart.  That He will direct my path.


Satan tells me to focus on the things that are difficult. 

The Bible tells me to be of good cheer. With God, it will be okay.


Satan tells me that I am too broken. 

The Bible tells me that I will be washed…  Washed whiter than snow.

Satan tells me that I am worthless and not important. 

The Bible assures me that I am so loved. Jesus died on the cross for me.


Satan tells me that God shouldn’t be trusted. 

The Bible assures me that He is not slack concerning His promise.


Satan tells me to give up, that I can’t do this. 

The Bible tells me He gives power to the faint and strength for my heart.


Satan reminds me of my sins again and again. 

The Bible assures me that my sins and iniquities are remembered no more by God


Satan tells me that I should be so ashamed. 

The Bible tells me that if I believe in Jesus, I shall not be ashamed.


Satan tells me that I need to hide my feelings.  Look at the Psalms.


Satan tells me that I need to protect myself. 

The Bible tells me that Jesus wants me to hide IN Him.  He will keep me safe.


Satan tells me that everyone else has it all together. 

The Bible reminds me that all have sinned and come short of His glory.


Satan tells me that nothing is ever going to change. 

The Bible assures me to wait on the LORD.  He will give me strength.

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