Still Learning Little Lessons

Are you ever blown away when you see how God keeps pursuing you?
This week a door slammed shut in my face. Podcasting became impossible. And as much as I have loved podcasting I knew (by the nature of how imposible things became) I had to stop and be still. I know that there was a lesson the Holy Spirit was needing to teach me.
In silence I’ve spent many hours in prayer and in the Word this week. It was different for me, I wasn’t worked up or angry over the tech problem. I was just sad that I wasn’t hearing the lesson He was trying to get thru to me. I was puzzled, I was confused. I pleaded for Him to have His way with my life. I pleaded for Him to open my eyes.
He’s been gently teaching me.
I’m reminded again how much He cares about the words we speak. He showed me again He cares about the message I share. I’m sorry when I haven’t put as much prayer into the words I’ve written or spoken.
The lessons He taught me thru this are invaluable. I’m sure as time goes on I’ll look back and see other lessons tucked inside this week. . . But for now I’m so grateful. So grateful He keeps pursuing me. So grateful He gives me a second change. So grateful He invests time lovingly molding me.
I don’t usually like sharing this stuff so close to the event. I’d rather heal a little more first. But for some reason someone must need to hear this today.
Friend, He cares the same about you. If it seems He has gone quiet. If is seems things aren’t going well. Please take a step back and get quiet. Plead with Him to show you what lesson He’s trying to teach you. Plead with Him to send the Holy Spirit in it’s full measure, to teach and guide you.
He is faithful. He is pursuing you.
And if you keep running into a slammed door. Or find yourself editing a podcast 8 (or more) TIMES. Or find yourself reading the same place in the Bible time after time. Listen to the words, my friend. LISTEN to the words.